Reliable Trucking, Trash Removal and Bin Rental Services

St. Thomas, St. John, Water Island, Lovango Cay, Tortola and Virgin Gorda

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VI Waste Management Rules and Regulations

Landfill and Transfer Station Operating Guidelines.

The Virgin Islands Waste Management Authority is required by law to operate and maintain a safe and healthy environment for our staff and all persons conducting business at our facilities. Consequently, all persons entering our facilities are required to adhere to the following guidelines.


1. Comply with the instructions provided by on-site VI Waste Management's Landfill Manager, staff and the Landfill/Transfer Station Operator at all times.

2. The Authority's transfer station and landfills DO NOT ACCEPT the following items for disposal:

Mixed Loads (Metal/Non-Metal)
Liquid Paint (Paint Must Be Sundried)
 Carcasses (Dead Animals)
➢ Appliances and vehicles with freon
➢ Fluorescent light bulbs
➢ Lead acid batteries
➢ Electronic devices
➢ Flammable paint
➢ Asbestos
➢ Medical waste
➢ Liquid waste
➢ Hazardous chemicals
➢ Mercury -containing devices
➢ Grease
➢ Used motor oil (take it to the Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) or Do-It-Yourself (DIY) sites)
➢ Junked cars (unless fluids are drained and tires and batteries are removed)
➢ Gas cylinders (unless punctured or the top is cut off)
➢ Construction & Demolition (C&D unless waste is reduced to 4"×4"×4" chunks)
➢ Hazardous materials
➢ Unpermitted loads or solid waste or wastewater
➢ Industrial Rubber (Eg. fuel hoses)

3. Mixed waste is not accepted at the landfill or transfer station. Therefore, mixed waste containers must be separated prior to entering the landfill or transfer station, as required by the VIWMA. In addition, loads are to be sorted by debris, construction & demolition (C&D), scrap metal, wood, green waste, electronic waste and household waste. 

4. Special waste may be accepted at the landfill or transfer station when accompanied by the VIWMA Special Waste Disposal Permit. Special Waste that is not accompanied by a permit is prohibited and must be removed from the landfill/transfer station immediately and disposed of in accordance with applicable local and federal regulations. Special Waste is defined in Title 19 Chapter 56 1560-1: “Special waste” is any solid waste which is designated as such and regulated in this Subchapter. It includes solid wastes that are difficult to handle, require special precautions because of their properties or the particular nature of the wastes create solid waste management problems.

5. Failure to follow this policy may result in the issuance of citations in the amount of $1,000.00 per violation by the Authority's Environmental Enforcement Officers and a denial of entry into the landfill or transfer station.



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