In the Summer of 2014, Kyle Carty of Carty's Trucking and Trash Removal went from being a full time Police Officer at the Virgin Islands Police Department assigned to the the Patrol Division, to owning and operating one of the most reputable trucking companies in St. Thomas, US Virgin Islands.
Although his loyalty is in law enforcement, he still has a love for construction and realized he needed an additional source of income. Kyle then made the decision to purchase his first truck for once-a-week gigs and started getting more calls than his time would allow! He then expanded to hiring one driver.
Ever since then, Kyle has implemented
hospitality skills and professionalism which he acquired from the Marriott; hustle and assertiveness from the restaurant industry serving tables; the art of business and thinking outside the box and making deals from his sales experience working in Jewelry Stores on Main Street. His writing skills, knowledge of liabilities and legal matters came from his time serving as a police officer.
With all of these combined, Carty’s Trucking and Trash Removal Services was born and has grown to a full time staff of seven (7). We are forever grateful for our Community for trusting us with their projects and for our team that makes Carty's Trucking what it is today!
Kyle Carty